Batavia is one of the most beautiful places on earth. This little city is home to everything from chipmunks to squirrels to fox's and fish and even buffalo ? Everything here is green and lush, the flowers smell amazing and are bright and in full bloom, and a river flows right through the town. Honestly this place is picture perfect. We woke up to just a gorgeous sunny day which kate and I took advantage of the warmth and wore dresses. It was so lovely outside I cant describe it, but a picture is worth a thousand words. We walked through the batavia river walk which is a path right by the river and it smelled amazing, and looked so GREEN ! he river is particularly high this time of year though so we werent able to walk right down by it but we all put our feet in and enjoyed the refreshing water and warm weather.

We went to a little cafe for me to get iced tea and we read books for a little bit where I found this sign... which I found sorta funny cause I was a hippie girl this day.

When we got home mama schmitty allowed us to help with dinner. I had a quick chat with my sister and came in to smell cinnomin and see chicken, I was pretty sure what this meant but it was soon confirmed: MOROCCAN CHICKEN. oh my gosh yummy, one of my absolute favorite things that Mrs. Schmitt makes. It is this dish with olives and chicken and chick peas and tomatoes and ginger and garlic. Sounds like a weird mixture of stuff but it is just absolutely delightfully delicious. Kate and I were happy to help while mrs. schmitt made this "quick apple cake" from scratch. dont let the name fool you.... it may have been quick but it was freaking so yummy. I felt like a kid when she let us lick the spoons and it was just wonderful.

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