Pain throws your heart to the ground, love turns the whole thing around, no it wont all go the way it should, but i know the heart of life is good.

It is the FINAL push before the big road trip, and by that I mean I have a million things to do and final exams I must push through before I leave. I cant help but to think some time on the empty long road will help clear my mind before this long summer begins. As much as summer brings a wonderful break from reality it also means the end of a wonderful year, a closing chapter in my life, and the beginning of my LAST year of college. (I am still having trouble believing I am a SENIOR). In fact the word senior is beginning to freak me out a little bit. What a wonderful journey these past 3 years have been, I have truly grown to know myself. I have gained such vast understanding of my self, who I want to be now, and into the future, and why I am the way that I am. I truly believe each of us are great creators who have a lifetime to create a masterpiece. We are artists who are given a blank canvas, a canvas that can be ever changing and moving, a wonderful opportunity to shape and mould ourselves into who we want to be, whatever that may entail. I am blessed, I have had a rough road that has taught me to enjoy the scenery, the small things, and the true beauty of living. I have had one of the longest years of my life and discovered who really matters. My older sister Shannon, has given me the world, she gave up so many opportunities to ensure I could have the most out of my life. She helped me realize my true potential, showed me how to trust myself, and that I can do anything I put my mind to. She is the reason I decided to go to college and my motivation for graduating. So as I enter my final year of college I feel a thank you is on order. I am so excited to be leaving on the most EPIC trip of my life-- and also my very first road trip. I have the most wonderful man in my life who Loves me against all odds and makes me feel like Christmas morning, I have family with a bond so strong it could never be broken, the most amazing best friends a girl could ask for, and a little dog that could shine light on the most darkest of days. I have a beautiful blessed life, but ... The true beauty of it all is the unknown, and I look forward to seeing where my journey takes me...
we leave in one week for the road trip so I thought you all might like to have a sneak peek of where we are going !
- First stop is VEGAS BABYY- (obviously, i mean where else ?)
- next stop is Arches National Park where kate and i fully intend on doing yoga-- outside-- in nature- something just sounds beautiful and simple about this idea
- Next up is Zion National Park in Utah where we will be hiking and enjoying our company
- Then its straight on to Visit some friends in Colorado at Ft. Collins and Denver.
- possibly a trip to Cheyenne Wyoming (yes just for a picture with my name)
- FINALLY-- my favorite city in the world (at least so far) CHICAGO, where we will spend a few days unwinding and enjoying the city

we dont know where we are sleeping or what we will be eating or doing most of these nights, but thats the beauty in it-- not knowing :)
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